
May 5, 2024



When: May 5, 2024
Start Time: 10:30 am
End Time:
Location 1895 W. Speedway Tucson, AZ 85745

Join Us Sunday Mornings as we celebrate and worship our great God. Our worship time is comfortable and relaxed. So you can come as you are, and wear what makes you comfortable. We know you have important questions as you look into visiting a new church. Here are some tidbits to make your first visit to Gates Pass enjoyable. We look forward to seeing you at one of our events. We have ample parking and childcare is available.


Each week we meet at 10:30 AM to celebrate our great God with a mixture of modern songs, as well as some classic hymns.  The focus of our worship is to all you to engage and to enter into the presence of God.

Dress Style

It is uncomfortable visiting a new church for the first time but we want you to be as comfortable as possible. People of all ages and backgrounds may dress in many different ways. Everyone here is different in their style, so you will fit in.


Our sermons are expository and topical, meaning that we study books of the Bible and apply them to our lives. They are a resource to help you develop your relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Also, they are a strong foundation for your life, based on God’s word.


Our music is a blend of modern songs you might hear on Christian radio, as well as songs that have been sung throughout the ages.  Our worship leader has a gift for ushering you into the presence of God with his talent and passion for God.


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